Mileage Calculator

Mileage Calculator using Google Maps

If you have internet access you can use Google Maps to calculate the length of your journey.

In the example below, we assume you are driving from home to the client’s address and then to the hospital; returning the same way. The example is for a personal computer. It can be done on a phone or tablet/iPad; the user interface might be different.

  • Select Directions (the arrow in blue diamond in the menu panel)
  • Select travel mode (car in this case)
  • Enter your starting address, you can search by:-
    –   postcode, or
    –   number, street-name and town, or
    –   well-known location (eg: hospital)
  • Press the magnifying glass to resolve the search
  • Enter your client’s address in the same way
  • Click on the + symbol to add a third point in your journey
  • Enter the destination address in the same way
  • Check the route taken on the map – you can alter the route
  • Read off the mileage – 2.3 miles in our example
  • Double this number (to account for the return journey)
  • Record the mileage – 5 miles in our example

Information for Drivers