Author Archives: Care Camberley

Camberley Care Trust CIO

On 1st July 2020, Camberley Care Trust changed its operating model to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), Charity Registration Number 1188130. 

The trustees, office team, volunteers, charitable services and areas of operation all remained unchanged.  Our official charity name also remained “Camberley Care Trust”,  but “Camberley Care” was adopted as our Working Name (duly registered with the Charity Commission). 

On the same day, we also launched our new Logo, as above, designed for us by Graphic Designer, Emily Sewell.

You will find this logo on all Camberley Care Trust official documents, digital and printed media.

The leaflet for the launch of Camberley Camberley Trust CIO

Many thanks to bestow

A BIG THANK YOU TO MS SKELTON for donations received for Camberley Care Trust in lieu of Birthday presents at her 70th birthday celebrations. We Hope you had a wonderful day.
A BIG THANK YOU TO VOLUNTEER DRIVER ROY BARNLEY who has worked tirelessly for Camberley Care to be voted as Sainsbury’s Frimley ‘charity of the year’ for 2016 – 2017.
I am writing on behalf of my mother, Mrs Smith, who recently moved from Camberley. She used your services for several years and would like to thank you very much for all your assistance, especially that of your driver John Archer who always went out of his way to help her.
Thank you so much for helping us with the task of repairing locks on a number of storage cabinets that we had acquired. Andy’s work has been invaluable.


If we have missed anyone, we are very sorry, please let us know and we will update the website. We really appreciate every penny or kind word you give us.

Thank you to SC Johnson

Last Tuesday afternoon, February 9th, SC Johnson entertained a group of elderly guests including a contingent of Camberley Care clients at their Frimley premises. Tea and cakes were served and games of Bingo were played. All the guests left with a “goody bag” of Johnson products.

Many Johnson employees attended to ensure that a most pleasant time was had by all.

Many thanks to SC Johnson for their hospitality and for their great support of the local community.

Community Match Scheme

Thank you very much to Nationwide and their customers for voting to support Camberley Care as their local charity. Winning charity in our area! Your support helps us to continue our subsidised Care and Repair and Care Cars services.
Your help is really appreciated 🙂

External Partnerships Select Committee

Many thanks to the External Partnerships Select Committee of Surrey Heath Borough Council and It’s chairman Councillor Paul Deach for the warm welcome extended to our chairman Peter Close when,at it’s invitation, he recently made a presentation to the committee about Camberley Care and was able to answer questions from councillors about our operations

Welcome to our new handyman

Please join me in wishing Andy congratulations on a successful first day today as Camberley Care’s new handyman.

He says of this appointment;
“After leaving the army in 1992 I worked for Surrey Heath Borough Council for 17 1/2 years within the facilities management team, providing all sorts of things to ensure that the town hall ran smoothly, five years ago I was made redundant from the council and started working for Voluntary Services Surrey Heath as their community development officer. We then merged approximately three years ago with Runnymead to become Voluntary Support North Surrey, supporting local organisations and charities within the borough of Surrey Heath and Runnymead, my role included web design and social media and working in areas of deprivation with in both boroughs. I enjoyed my time with Voluntary Support North Surrey, and learnt many new skills. But my heart has always been with facilities and maintenance, I look forward to working with Camberley Care providing the Handyman service to all residents within the borough.”

I hope he enjoys his time with our lovely little charity 🙂

Thank you to all our volunteers

Thank you to one of our clients, Mr C, for this lovely feedback;

“Please let Peter know I’m so grateful to him, he’s so good along with the people in the office.  I’m so grateful I’m 93 years old really and I don’t know what I’d do without you all”

Thank you very much Peter Close and all of our volunteers